Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hey Boys & Girls!

It's Banx... simple, four letters, common - you can't miss it. Seeing as this is my first post I will have to formally introduce myself. However, seeing as it is 2:50 in the morning, I will have to make this short, simple and to the point.

First thing you should know about me is I Am Constantly Changing My Mind. So don't expect this blog to be a straight one (not at all referring to my sexual orientation). I'm an artist and as such I get a little out of whack from time to time. I draw, paint, write, build, sing, act, play and every blue moon I dance. Which of these will I blog about? I don't know - just expect it to not exactly follow suit.

Second thing you should know is You Are Allowed To Judge Me. Reason I say that is because A lot of times the way people react to negative feedback is by saying "you're not allowed to judge" which would imply that you are either worse as just as wrong as I am. Fact of the matter is that I don't know you but in my eyes you are all individuals with feelings, ideas, emotions, opinions, etc. So I welcome your judging.

Lastly, I LOVE MAKING NEW FRIENDS! So do not by any means be afraid to contact me or ask me a damn thing. I answer every question and have no hair on my tongue. As demented as I may or may not be *suspicious face* I am a very bubbly person, I giggle a lot and I make one too many cheesy jokes. Mkay?

Don't forget to wash behind your balls, Muah!
Miss Banx

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